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ANNOUNCEMENT on holding a competitive selection to fill the vacant position of director of the TMR CP "Trostianets Television and Radio Company"

Company name: KP TMR "Trostianets Television and Radio Company".

Location of the enterprise: 

Legal address: 42600, Sumy region, Okhtyrskyi district, Trostyanets city, str. Zavodska, 1.

Actual address: 42600, Sumy region, Okhtyrskyi district, Trostyanets city, str. Voznesenska, 53a.

The main areas of activity of the enterprise:  

- promptly informing TV viewers about socio-political, emergency events and situations that pose a threat to the life or health of the population, and other events in Ukraine, in the community and beyond;

- creation and distribution of economic, journalistic, cultural and educational, medical, artistic, educational, entertainment, sports programs, as well as programs for children and youth;

- assistance in strengthening the awareness of the residents of the Trostyanets urban territorial community;

- publication of official notices, explanations of decisions of state authorities and local self-government bodies.

- development and distribution of programs aimed at fully meeting the needs of society in obtaining the widest range of information about the activities of the Trostyanets City Council, its structural subdivisions, enterprises, institutions, and organizations.

Information on the financial and economic condition of the enterprise is provided at the request of the applicant.

Duties of the Director of the KP TMR "TV and Radio Company "Trostianets":

1) Manages the activities of the enterprise, organizes the work of its structural divisions.

2) Coordinates the creative activity of employees of the enterprise (television channel).

3) Introduces advanced domestic and foreign experience in the creation of television programs into the daily practice of the enterprise.

4) Prepares and implements the company's development strategy.

5) Ensures the fulfillment of the company's annual goals for increasing the audience and developing the company.

6) Promotes the promotion of the enterprise (television channel), including through social networks and other communication channels.

7) Controls the rational use of financial allocations, material and technical resources provided for the enterprise.

8) Concludes contracts with enterprises, organizations and institutions, monitors their implementation.

9) Takes measures to apply progressive forms of organization and labor protection.

10) Implements an effective personnel policy at the enterprise.

11) Makes decisions on appointment to positions, dismissal and promotion of employees, as well as imposition of disciplinary sanctions.

12) Forms proposals regarding the enterprise's budget.

13) Performs other official duties stipulated by the Charter of the enterprise, decisions of the Trostyanets City Council, its executive committee, orders of the city mayor and other current legislation of Ukraine

Requirements for applicants:

Education: higher (specialist, master). Professional education (journalism, public relations, audiovisual arts and production of television and radio programs, directing), postgraduate education in the field of management and administration will be additional advantages.

Experience: total work experience in the field of journalism - not less than 5 years.

Proficiency in the state language: fluency in the state language, knowledge of foreign languages will be an additional advantage.

Information and computer technologies: be a confident PC user, have knowledge and skills in working with social networks and video hosting, etc.

Knowledge ofof the legislation of Ukraine, namely:

– Constitution of Ukraine;

- laws of Ukraine: "On local self-government in Ukraine", "On the status of deputies of local councils", "On access to public information", "On information", "On media" and others.

- other regulatory legal framework regarding the organization of television and radio broadcasting activities, the work of mass media and journalists;

- copyright and labor legislation; the organization of production, labor and management, the basics of planning and financing; economic calculation methods; forms and systems of remuneration and material incentives; rules and norms of labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire safety.

Impeccable business reputation:

- a set of documented information about a person, which makes it possible to conclude that his professional activity complies with the requirements of the law, about the appropriate level of professional abilities and management experience (recommendation letters and links to social media pages are welcome);

- the person has no information about being brought (not brought) to criminal responsibility, the absence (presence) of a criminal record or restrictions provided for by the criminal procedural legislation of Ukraine;

- the person has no information about corruption or corruption-related offenses.

To participate in the competitive selection, the applicant submits personally and/or send by e-mail:

1) Application addressed to the competition commission for participation in the competitive selection (in an arbitrary form);

2) A duly certified copy of the identity document confirming the citizenship of Ukraine, information on the registration of the place of residence;

3) A duly certified copy of the certificate on the assignment of the registration number of the taxpayer’s registration card – an individual, except for persons who, due to their religious beliefs, have refused to accept the registration number of the taxpayer’s registration card and have notified the relevant supervisory body about it and have a mark in their passport about the right make any payments by passport series and number;

4) Duly certified copies of educational documents (diplomas and their annexes);

5) A duly certified copy of the work book (if available) or information about work in the field of journalism, other documents confirming work experience);

6) Consent to the processing of personal data (in an arbitrary form).

7) A duly certified copy of the relevant military registration document, which is submitted to conscripts in the form of copies of all completed pages (if available);

8) Letter of motivation in any form;

9) Resume in any form with contact information (phone, e-mail);

10) Extract/certificate (extended) issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine to provide individuals with information on prosecution (non-prosecution), absence (presence) of a criminal record or restrictions provided for by the criminal procedural legislation of Ukraine;

11) Extract / certificate from the Unified State Register of persons who have committed corruption or corruption-related offenses;

12) Tender offer. The competitive offer may contain a draft of the enterprise development plan for the medium-term perspective, which includes: enterprise reform plan; volume of deductions to budgets; proposals for attracting investments for the development of the enterprise; other suggestions for improving the company's activities.

All copies of documents must be certified by the applicant's personal signature.

In case of submission of documents in electronic form, the applicant imposes his own KEP/UEP on them. Documents submitted without imposing the KEP/UEP will not be considered by the tender committee.

         Documents are accepted until 5:15 p.m. 11.09.2023 at the address: Sumy region, Trostyanets, str. Blagovishchenska, 3, room No. 9 (reception room) and/or by e-mail: [email protected].

Phone for inquiries (05458) 5-13-80. The date and place of the meeting of the tender committee: in order to ensure the safety of the applicants and members of the tender committee, it will be additionally personally notified by means of communication.

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