
Yuriy Anatoliyovych Bova

Personal data:

Yurii Anatoliyovych Bova, Ukrainian, born on July 16, 1972, married. Wife - Bova Margarita Anatolyivna - director of PE "Merkurii". He has two children - a son and a daughter.


In 1989, he graduated from Trostyanetska Secondary School No. 5. From 1989 to 1994, he studied and successfully graduated from the Kharkiv State Automobile and Road Technical University. He is a highway and airfield construction engineer by profession.


From 1993 to February 2005, he was the founder and director of the private small enterprise "Mercury" (up to 45 employees). In 1998 and 2002, he was elected a deputy of the Trostyanets City Council. Member of the commission on budget, finance and planning of socio-economic development. Deputy head of the temporary commission for quality control of performed contract works.

Since March 2000, he organized the creation and was elected chairman of the public organization "Union of Entrepreneurs of Trostyanechchyna". Since 2005, he has been the honorary president of the Union. The manager of many projects implemented by the public organization with the support of various international institutions: – (June 2001 – September 2001) – the manager of the “Consultative and methodological assistance to business associations” program of the “BIZPRO” project. (July 2003 - February 2004) - head of the project "Creating a mechanism for community participation in the development of priority directions for the development of Trostyanets", with the support of the International Fund "Renaissance". - (October 2003 - March 2004) - head of the project "Creating a mechanism for legal protection of business through legal education", which was implemented with the financial support of the C.S. Mott Foundation. - (January 2004 - September 2004) - head of the project "Creation of an NGO network and implementation of a community participation mechanism in solving the problems of territorial communities of the southern region of Sumy region", financed by the European Commission, TASIC program within the project "Development of civil society in selected regions" of Ukraine".

Since February 2005, he has been elected secretary of the Trostyanets City Council. In May 2005 at early elections and in March 2006, in October 2010 and in 2015 at regular elections to local councils, he was elected as the mayor of Trostyanets.

In 2007, the head of the project "Improving the sanitary and ecological condition of the city of Trostyanets by involving the public in the centralized removal of solid household waste", which was financed by the "Fund for the promotion of local self-government". In 2007, head of the project "Implementation of energy-saving measures in common areas of the housing stock of Trostyanets", with the support of the "Eurasia" project, OSCE in Ukraine.

In October 2015, at the founding meeting of the Association of Local Self-Government Bodies, he was elected vice-president of the "Association of Open Cities".

In 2016, he was elected vice-president of the "Club of Mayors".

In 2017, he was elected to the position of the head of the Trostyanets City ATC.

In February 2019, he was elected to the position of president of the Association of Open Cities.

On November 18, 2020, at the 1st session of the Trostyanets City Council, he was elected to the position of the head of the Trostyanets ATC.

In 2020, at the local elections held on October 25, he won a decisive victory, receiving almost 65% votes of confidence from the residents of Trostianets and 13 village councils. He has become the mayor for the sixth time in a row.

Honors of the city:

During his tenure as mayor, the city received the following awards:

  • according to the results of 2007, among the cities of Trostyanets regional significance, the city took the first place in the region and the fourth in Ukraine in terms of the level of improvement and public order;
  • in 2010, the city of Trostyanets took first place in the regional stage of the annual All-Ukrainian competition "Settlement of the best improvement and maintenance of public order" in the category of city of district significance and urban-type settlement and second place throughout Ukraine, for which, according to the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Trostyanets awarded with a corresponding diploma;
  • according to the results of the best practices competition of the Council of Europe in 2012, the city of Trostyanets took first place in the nomination "Experience of attracting investments and implementing grant programs";
  • the third place of the Council of Europe competition "Best practices of local self-government - 2013" in the category "Local resources: search and mobilization for the benefit of the community";
  • second place in the Council of Europe competition "Best practices of local self-government - 2014" for the developed and implemented practice in the nomination "Government and community: information, dialogue, participation", which related to the activation of citizen participation in local development through the involvement of heads of street and house committees in the development of the budget and local development plans, as well as the implementation of a mechanism of public control over the performance of works by contractors and communal services;
  • according to the results of the competition of the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Economy of Ukraine with the support of the Council of Europe "Best Practices of Local Self-Government - 2015", the city of Trostyanets won the third honorable place in the nomination "Stimulation of economic activity, creation of jobs", for which it was awarded a diploma.
  • in 2016, according to the results of the competition of the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Affairs of Ukraine with the support of the Council of Europe "Best Practices of Local Self-Government", the city of Trostyanets won the first place of honor in the nomination "Stimulation of economic activity, creation of jobs" - practice "Small business - a chance for development" for which he was awarded a diploma.
  • in 2017, the Trostyanets City Council won the first place in the category "Regional and community development practices based on own strategies and resources" for the implementation of the "Strategic plan - guarantee of stable community development" practice within the framework of the annual competition "Best practices of local self-government" and received an award Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
  • - In 2018, the Trostyanets City Council won the 1st place in the Competition "Best Practices of Local Self-Government" for the implementation of the "Citizen Safety Center - a guarantee of a safe community" practice and the 2nd place for the implementation of the "Modern District Hospital" practice
  • – In 2019, the Trostyanets Municipal ATC received an award for taking 1st place in the All-Ukrainian competition "Best Practices of Local Self-Government" for the practice "Development of the Trostyanets Community through the use of historical figures, objects and local brands";
  • - In 2020, the Trostyanets City Council was awarded the 1st degree Diploma in the "Best Practices of Local Self-Government" Contest for the implementation of the practice "Quality educational services are one of the priority vectors for the development of the Trostyanets City United Territorial Community."

Editions and publications:

co-author of the guide for entrepreneurs "How to protect your own business" (2004); co-author of the "Document on the Policy Analysis of the City of Trostyanets", "The Document on the Analysis of the City of Okhtyrka", "The Document on the Analysis of the City of Lebedyn" (published in 2004), the author of numerous publications in the local press concerning the development of the territorial community of Trostianets.


  • on the occasion of the Day of Local Self-Government, he was awarded a letter from the head of the Trostyanets State Administration (2014);
  • on the occasion of the 355th anniversary of the founding of the city of Trostyanets, he was awarded the certificate of the Deputy Chairman of the Sumy Regional Council (2015);
  • received the diploma of the head of the Trostyanets district state administration as the winner of the district competition "The best person of the Trostyanets district in 2015" in the nomination "Civil activist";
  • for fruitful, long-term work for the benefit of the territorial community of the city and a significant personal contribution to the development of Sumy Oblast in 2015, he was awarded the honor of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine - a valuable gift (name watch).
  • according to the results of 2016, he became a laureate of the XXI national program "Person of the Year-2016"
  • in 2017, Mayor Yuriy Bova came third in the "Rating of Ukrainian mayors-innovators"! (Nearly 400 applications from various cities of Ukraine, the population of which does not exceed 500,000 people, were submitted to participate in the ranking of innovative mayors, which was organized by the online publication "Ukrainian Pravda" and the International Summit of Mayors).
  • In 2017, Mayor Yuriy Bova was awarded the Medal of Honor "For his contribution to the development of the city of Trostyanets".
  • In 2018, Mayor Yuriy Bova was awarded thanks for his support and assistance to servicemen of the 8th separate automobile sanitary company for the successful performance of combat missions.
  • In 2019, he was awarded an honorary diploma of the Sumy Regional State Administration for his significant personal contribution to the development of local self-government in Ukraine and on the occasion of the Day of Local Self-Government.
  • In 2020, he was awarded the Honorable Mention of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for his significant personal contribution to the establishment of the principles of local self-government, socio-economic development of the territorial community, active public activity, conscientious work and high professionalism.
  • In 2021, he was awarded an honorary award by the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania for strengthening partnership relations between Ukraine and Lithuania.

Social activities:

Honorary president of the public organization "Union of Entrepreneurs of Trostyanechnya" and the public organization "Club of fans of the work of P.I. Tchaikovsky".

The founder of the Trostyanets district charity fund "Kindness".

President of the Athletics Federation of the Sumy region.

Member of the Board of the "Energy-efficient Cities of Ukraine" Association.

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