Managing the affairs of the executive committee

Костенко Алла Лаславівна
Personal data:
Костенко Алла Лаславівна, народилася 1 серпня 1976 року в м. Тростянець Сумської області. Заміжня. Має сина.
From 1983 to 1993 - studied at the Trostyanetska specialized school, grades 1-3, No. 3.
In 1999, she graduated from PC operator courses.
From 2004 to 2010 - studied at the National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" majoring in marketing.
From 1993 to 1997 - worked in the "Romashka" kindergarten.
From 2001 to 2006 - worked at Private Enterprise Slabospytskyi Yu.D.
From 2006 to 2008 - worked as an administrator of the rest rooms of the Komunzhitlo State Enterprise.
From 2008 to 2010 - appointed director of the subsidiary "Elegy".
In November 2010, at the 1st session of the Trostyanets City Council of the 6th convocation, she was approved for the position of secretary of the executive committee (in charge of affairs) of the city council.
On November 11, 2015, at the 1st session of the Trostyanets City Council of the 7th convocation, she was elected to the position of secretary of the executive committee (in charge of affairs) of the city council.
18 листопада 2020 року на 1 сесії Тростянецької міської ради обрана на посаду керуючої справами (секретаря) виконавчого комітету Тростянецької міської ради.
Powers of the head of affairs (secretary) of the executive committee
9.1. The head of affairs (secretary) of the executive committee plans and organizes the work of the executive committee in accordance with the Regulations of the Executive Committee of the Trostyanets City Council.
9.2. Draws up and monitors the implementation of the executive committee's work plan.
9.3. Organizes and ensures the preparation of materials for consideration at the meeting of the executive committee, organizes the work of proving the decisions of the executive committee, orders to the executors, certifies and issues copies of the decisions of the executive committee, the city council, orders of the city mayor, and other documents executed by the city council. Organizes work on keeping records in the office of the city council.
9.4. Organizes the keeping of minutes of meetings of the executive committee of the city council.
9.5. Monitors the work of organizational and personnel support for the activities of the executive committee.
9.6. Coordinates work with citizen appeals and feedback.
9.7. Prepares materials on the structure of the City Council apparatus; proposals for the appointment and dismissal of employees of the city council.
9.8. Monitors the work of structural subdivisions of the City Council to improve the provision of administrative services; ensuring the implementation of the state policy on the provision of administrative services.
9.9. The head of affairs (secretary) of the executive committee coordinates the work of other departments of the city council apparatus within her competence, prepares drafts of city council decisions, decisions of the executive committee and orders of the city mayor.
9.10. Provides information on the work of the executive committee on delegated powers to executive authorities.
9.11. Makes suggestions to the mayor on improving the activities of the city council apparatus.
9.12. Carries out methodical management and control over the state of record keeping and document circulation in the city council's apparatus.
9.13. Participates in the development of the nomenclature of cases, formation of the archive of the city council and its executive committee, supervises the storage of documents of the executive committee.
9.14. Organizes coverage of the activities of the issues assigned to the competence in the mass media and on the website of the Trostyanets City Council.
9.15 Organizes work on the official publication of draft decisions and decisions of the executive committee, orders of the city mayor.
9.16 Participates in resolving issues of holding elections and referenda within the limits defined by legislation.
9.17 Coordinates the work, within the limits of his competence, on the formation of the socio-economic development plan, prepares proposals for the budget of the Trostyanets urban territorial community, ensures the development of community programs, monitors the progress of their implementation and organizes reports on their implementation at the council session.
9.18. Coordinates issues related to the development of informatization and implementation of the quality management system in the City Council apparatus.
9.19. The head of affairs (secretary) of the executive committee reports directly to:
- general Department;
- department of information activities and interaction with the public;
- department of information technologies;
- the center for the provision of administrative services.
9.20. Makes proposals for the establishment of allowances and bonuses for employees of the structural divisions of the City Council, whose work he supervises.
9.21. Conducts personal oral reception of citizens, considers written appeals of citizens in accordance with the procedure established by current legislation.
9.22. Heads the competition commission for conducting the competition for filling vacant positions of local self-government officials, the certification commission. 9.23. The head of affairs (secretary) of the executive committee performs other duties assigned to her by the mayor, the executive committee, and participates in the work of the commissions created by the Trostyanets City Council.