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Announcement of a competition for projects developed by institutions of civil society, for the implementation (implementation) of which financial support will be provided in 2023 at the expense of the budget of the Trostyanets municipal territorial community

The Trostyanets City Council announces a competition for projects developed by civil society institutes, for the implementation of which financial support will be provided in 2023 at the expense of the budget of the Trostyanets City Territorial Community.

The organization and conduct of the contest, the holding of events by the participants of the contest, and the monitoring of the implementation of projects are carried out in accordance with the Procedure for the conduct of the contest for the identification of programs (projects, events) developed by institutions of civil society, for the implementation (implementation) of which financial support is provided, approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 12 No. 1049 of October 2011 (as amended, hereinafter referred to as the Order).

Priority tasks (directions), for the implementation of which the projects developed by the participants of the competition should be directed:

  • health care and disease prevention;
  •  соціальна підтримка та адаптація інвалідів, безробітних,    малозабезпечен, багатодітних сімей та осіб похилого віку;
  • environment protection;

- preservation and restoration of cultural heritage;

  • provision of social services;
  • volunteer activities and charity events;
  • patriotic education;
  • statutory activity of public organizations aimed at solving problems relevant during martial law.

List of activities, that can be supported by the contest organizer.

1) holding conferences, round tables, trainings, courses, educational seminars, exhibitions, cultural and artistic, educational and other events aimed at realizing the goals and priority tasks of the competition;

2) publication of directories, brochures, booklets, information leaflets;

3) development and publication of methodical materials;

4) activities related to the organization of volunteer and charity activities;

5) conducting forums of public society institutions, meetings of public councils, creative unions, events on exchange of work experience with domestic and foreign institutions of civil society.

Types of activities within the framework of the priority tasks of the competition must not contradict financial and legal regulations.

Tenders may be submitted by institutions of civil society registered in accordance with the established procedure no later than 6 months before the announcement of the competition.

The Institute of Civil Society may submit several competitive proposals to the competition.

The maximum amount of financing from budget funds for one project is UAH 200,000.

The Institute of Civil Society, recognized as the winner of the competition, participates in the co-financing of the project.

A contribution to the implementation (implementation) of the program (project, event) can be made by a civil society institute that has been recognized as the winner of the competition and received financial support at the expense of budget funds, as tangible or intangible resources, including as one-time, periodic, targeted contributions and founders’ deductions and members, payment of the cost of premises, machinery, equipment, travel.

Institutes of civil society are not allowed to participate in the competition on the grounds specified in clause 12. In order.

Institutes of civil society apply to participate in the competition tender offer, which must be prepared in the state language and must contain:

application for participation in the competition, drawn up using the attached form (form 1), signed by the head of the civil society institute (or an authorized person), affixed with his seal (if available).

Duly certified documents are attached to the application:

1. Project description and cost estimate for its implementation in the appropriate form (form 2). In the description of the program (project, event), which the civil society institute submits as part of the competitive proposal, information regarding:

- ensuring the implementation (implementation) of the program (project, event) and achieving the expected results in the event of a change in the security situation under martial law;

- the level of ensuring the safety of the participants of the program (project, event) in the conditions of martial law.

2. Confirmation letters from state authorities, local self-government bodies and their executive bodies, scientific institutions, civil society institutes, other institutions and organizations (if their involvement in the implementation of the project is expected).

3. Information on the activities of the civil society institute, according to the appropriate form (form 3).

4. A copy of the statement, charter (or code for providing access to the results of the provision of administrative services), a copy of the certificate of inclusion in the Register of non-profit institutions and organizations.

The responsibility for the reliability of the information contained in the tender proposal rests with the tender participant.

The competitive proposal must be submitted in printed and electronic form.

All documents that make up the printed version of the tender must be numbered and duly certified (signature of the manager, date, seal of the organization (if available).

The tender offer is not returned to the tenderer.

Deadlines for submission of competitive proposals: from January 9, 2023 to January 30, 2023.

Terms of the competition:

evaluation of competitive proposals and determination of their rating: January 31, 2023 - February 3, 2023;

approval by the contest organizer of the list of civil society institutes identified by the contest winners - within 25 days from the date of the contest winners' determination by the contest commission and based on the information provided by the contest winner.

Tenders are accepted from January 9, 2023 to January 30, 2023, daily on working days at the address: Sumy region, Trostyanets, str. Myru, 6, the competition commission for the competition of projects developed by civil society institutes, for the implementation of which financial support will be provided in 2023 at the expense of the budget of the Trostyanets municipal territorial community from 8:00 a.m. until 5:15 p.m. From Monday to Thursday, Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. (lunch break: 12.00 - 13.00).

Tenders will be evaluated according to the criteria in accordance with the Procedure.

For additional information, please contact Svitlana Mykolaivna Svitlana Mykolayivna, head of the competition commission, every working day, Sumy Region, Trostyanets, str. Blagovishchenska, 3.

In addition, we recommend processing The procedure for conducting a competition to identify programs (projects, events) developed by civil society institutions, for the implementation (implementation) of which financial support is provided, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated October 12, 2011 No. 1049 (with amendments).

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