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Statement on determining the scope of the strategic environmental assessment of the project "Detailed plan of the territory bounded by St. Blagovishchenska, along the tracks of the Trostyanets-Smorodyne station, through the local road, 40th Army Square, Petra Sokolenko Street and Shukhlyaeva Square in the town of Trostyanets, Okhtyr District, Sumy Oblast"

1) Customer: Executive Committee of Trostyanetska City Council, str. Myru, 6, Trostyanets, Sumy Region, 42600, phone/fax +38 (05458) 5-13-80, e-mail: [email protected]

2) the type and main goals of the state planning document, its relationship with other state planning documents:

- type of state planning document - Detailed plan of the territory bounded by street Blagovishchenska, along the tracks of the Trostyanets-Smorodyne station, through the local road, 40th Army Square, Petra Sokolenko St. and Shukhlyaeva Square in Trostyanets, Okhtyr District, Sumy Oblast. Developed in accordance with the design task of the customer - the executive committee of the Trostyanets City Council and in accordance with the decision of the 17th session of the 8th convocation of the Trostyanets City Council No. 124 of April 21, 2023 "On the development of a detailed plan of the territory bounded by St. Blagovishchenska, along the tracks of the Trostyanets-Smorodyne station, through the local road, 40th Army Square, Petra Sokolenko Street and Shukhlyaeva Square in the town of Trostyanets, Okhtyr District, Sumy Oblast." Executor - FOP Pastushenko M.V.

- the goals of the document:

The detailed plan of the territory defines:

1) principles of planning and spatial organization of buildings;

2) red lines and building control lines;

3) functional purpose, mode and parameters of development of one or more land plots, distribution of territories in accordance with building regulations, state standards and rules;

4) town planning conditions and land development restrictions;

5) expediency, volumes, sequence of building reconstruction;

6) sequence and volume of engineering preparation of the territory;

7) system of engineering networks;

8) order of organization of transport and pedestrian traffic;

A detailed plan of the territory is being developed in order to determine the planning structure and functional purpose of the territory of several quarters of the city of Trostyanets, building parameters for the reconstruction of the station area with the construction of trade establishments, the reconstruction of the transport infrastructure with the expansion of existing streets; determination of existing and projected planning restrictions on the use of the territory in accordance with state construction and sanitary and hygienic regulations; determination of town planning conditions and land development restrictions.

The project area is located in the central part of the city. The block is bounded from the northeast by railway tracks, from the northwest and west by Blagovishchenska Street, from the south by Petra Sokolenko Street, behind which are the territories of manor residential buildings. The main goal of the project is the reconstruction of the station area with the change of transport infrastructure and the construction of trade establishments. The following are also located on the project territory: railway station; individual manor buildings, trade and public service establishments, auxiliary buildings and facilities for railway maintenance.

Водопостачання проєктованих об’єктів – від мереж централізованого водопостачання. Водовідведення – на централізовані мережі каналізації. Опалення будівель та споруд передбачається підключенням до централізованих мереж теплопостачання; а також за допомогою індивідуальних котлів (електро- та твердому паливі). Поверхневі стічні води сплановано територією, відводяться до централізованої мережі відведення поверхневих стічних вод, частина – до лінійних дощоприймачів, очищаються на очисних спорудах поверхневої дощової каналізації і надходять до накопичувачів, звідки вивозяться асенізаційним автомобілем за окремим договором.

Household waste is planned to be collected using a separate collection system with containers of 4 types of content - for plastic, glass, paper and other waste. Hazardous waste must be transported by a specialized organization in accordance with the agreements concluded with the city council (according to the type of ECObus - for residents of the project area or by special transport in accordance with the agreements concluded for institutions and organizations).

SEO goals:

Conduct an analysis of existing sources of harmful effects (determine regulatory sanitary protection zones) and provide recommendations for improving the situation.    Spatial-planning method (analysis of the location of sources on the project territory based on topographic surveys); Analytical – definition of SZZ according to Appendices 4, 5, 9 of DSP N 173 dated 19.06.96Reduction of the number of residents who are constantly in the zones of harmful influence of dangerous industrial and communal facilities / prevention of deterioration of the quality of lifeObjects that create restrictions on use in the planning area are: existing water towers with water supply wells; security zones of engineering networks. Production facilities located in the north of the planning territory of the V class of sanitary classification (shoe repair, production of duplicate keys, etc.) also create a negative impact. The railway station and the bus station create restrictions (SZZ 100m). There is also a sanitary gap from the railway tracks - 100m to the residential building. Noise and dust pollution are created by railways and roads.
Analyze the state of the environment, the living conditions of the population and the state of their health in the territories that are likely to be affectedAccording to administrative data, statistical information and research resultsTo prevent deterioration of the quality of life in the zones of harmful influence of existing objects  The projected objects will not have a negative impact on the environment or the health of the population.
Identify the main environmental problems, including the risks of impact on public health, which are relevant to the state planning document, in particular, in relation to territories with nature protection statusSpatial-planning method (analysis of the location of sources on the project territory based on topographic surveys); according to administrative data, statistical information and research results. Analytical – definition of SZZ according to Appendices 4, 5, 9 of DSP N 173 dated 19.06.96Propose a solution/measures to prevent the negative impact of identified environmental problemsThe main environmental problems: - the absence of a local scheme for the formation of an eco-network, a program in the field of formation, preservation and use of an eco-network. Lack of research data on the state of atmospheric air, soil, and underground water. There are no PZF territories and objects.
Determine the obligations in the field of environmental protection, including those related to the prevention of negative impact on public health, established at the international, state and other levels, related to DDPAnalytical methodDetermine the ways of taking such obligations into account during the preparation of the state planning documentThe main documents regarding international obligations in the field of environmental protection of Ukraine: - Concept of implementation of state policy in the field of climate change for the period until 2030, approved by the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 07.12.2016 No. 932-year; The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (ratified by Ukraine on October 29, 1996) – the use of technologies and materials that minimize the negative impact on the climate; – Convention on the Protection of Wild Flora and Fauna and Natural Habitats in Europe (Bern Convention) – the planning area is not part of the Emerald Network; – Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (Bonn, 1979) – there are no animals on the planning territory that belong to the list of Annexes 1, 2 of the Convention; – UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (ratified by Ukraine on October 29, 1996) – climate issues are discussed; – Recommendations of the Ministry of Energy and Environmental Protection of Ukraine dated March 3, 2020 No. 26/1.4-11.3-5650 regarding the inclusion of climate issues in state planning documents; The concept of implementation of state policy in the field of climate change for the period up to 2030 - climate issues have been worked out; – Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer – project objects are not sources of emissions of substances that destroy the ozone layer; - Law of Ukraine "On Waste" (Articles 35-1); – National waste management strategy in Ukraine until 2030, approved by Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated November 8, 2017 No. 820; - National waste management plan until 2030 dated February 20, 2019 No. 117-r – provides ways of environmentally safe handling of solid household waste and designated places or objects for their further placement.  
Conduct an analysis of the location of buildings within the SZZ, security zones of engineering networks, provide recommendations for improving the situation  Spatial-planning method (analysis of the location of networks on the project territory by means of topogodetic surveys); Analytical – definition of SZZ, security zones according to departmental norms. Removal of existing public and residential buildings outside the security and sanitary protection zones / or transfer of the networkEnsuring safe operation of engineering networks; prevention of negative impact on the environment from the failure of networksEstablishing regimes for the use of territories located within security and sanitary protection zones
Analyze the state of surface water drainage from the planning area and provide recommendations regarding the surface water drainage systemSpatial-planning method (determination of places of stagnation of surface sewage, places of lowering of the relief of the planning territory based on data of topogodetic surveys).Elimination of stagnation points of surface sewage on the planning territoryDrainage of surface water takes place along the existing terrain.
Conduct an analysis of water supply and sewerage in the planning area and provide recommendations regarding the water supply and drainage system in the planning area for the estimated period, taking into account the projected number of residents, the needs of public facilitiesSpatial-planning method (determination of locations of water supply sources, sewerage facilities (their type) based on topographical survey data)Improvement of the sanitary situation regarding the quality of drinking water; protection of drinking water from seepage of surface water to water supply sources. Improving the quality of drinking water and water supply for consumersConnection to the centralized water supply of existing and project facilities is foreseen. Water drainage - to centralized networks.
Identify areas with difficult engineering and geological conditions and provide recommendations for the development of such areasSpatial-planning method based on the data of topogodetic surveys.  Ensuring the normal sanitary condition of the territory.Проєктом проаналізовано існуючий хил території та визначено, що територія планування переважно рівнинна; є підвищення в районі залізничної станції.
Determine territories with recreational and touristic potential, territories of PZFSpatial-planning method (determination of green areas based on the data of topogodetic surveys).Development of the settlement's recreational industry. Ensuring the normative level of greening of the design area.There is no PZF on the planning territory; there are no protected landscape zones. The settlement has significant tourist potential.
Analyze and develop measures to improve the situation of solid waste management in the planning areaAnalytical method, according to the city council. Formation of an effective solid waste management system Cleaning of the planning area  Improving the sanitary condition of the planning areaThe project provided recommendations for the installation of sites for garbage cans for a separate solid waste collection system with subsequent removal by a specialized organization to a storage location (a certified solid waste disposal site) by special vehicles
Determine justified alternatives regarding mutual placement of objects on the territory of the design, planning structure, functional zoning of the territoryAnalytical methodChoosing the most optimal variant of the planning and spatial organization of the planning territoryAn alternative may be the placement of residential objects on the planning territory
Assess the consequences of the implementation of the measures provided for in the urban planning documentation for the environment, including for the health of the populationAnalytical method, method of strategic planning based on the data of further studies on the state of the environmentNegative consequences of the implementation of urban planning documentation, provided that the current legislation, standards, norms and rules are observed, are not expectedThe project provided means of improving the state of the environment and the health of the population using urban planning methods

When developing the general plan of the territory, the following are taken into account:

– current legislative and regulatory framework;

The territorial planning scheme of the Sumy region, developed by the SE Research and Design Institute of Urban Planning, Kyiv, in 2011;

– The general plan of the city of Trostyanets, developed by the communal organization "Institute of the General Plan of the City of Kyiv", was approved by the decision of the Trostyanets City Council dated 12.23.2016 No. 480 "On approval of the General Plan of the city of Trostyanets";

- Territorial zoning plan (zoning) of the city of Trostyanets, Sumy region, developed by PE "Fischer - Architects and Engineers", approved by the decision of the Trostyanets city council dated 07.26.2017 No. 171 "On approval of the zoning plan (zoning) of Trostyanets, Sumy region.

– вихідні дані Тростянецької міської ради щодо планів та програм соціально-економічного розвитку реону; щодо наявної містобудівної документації території планування; щодо наявності (відсутності) на території планування об’єктів історико-культурної спадщини, джерел забруднення навколишнього середовища, територій за складними інженерними умовами; екологічного та санітарно-гігієнічного стану території;

- land cadastre data information.

connection with other state planning documents:

Ecological safety of territories involves compliance with the requirements established by environmental protection legislation regarding the protection of the natural environment, preservation and rational use of natural resources, sanitary and hygienic requirements for the protection of human health, implementation of measures for neutralization, utilization, destruction or processing of all harmful substances and waste.

Anticipated measures to protect the water basin in accordance with the requirements of the Water Code of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine "On drinking water, drinking water supply and drainage", DBN V.2.5-74:2013 "Water supply. External networks and structures. Basic provisions of design", approved by the order of the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Economy of Ukraine dated 08.04.2013 No. 133, DBN V.2.5-75:2013 "Sewerage. External networks and structures. Basic provisions of design", approved by the orders of the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Economy of Ukraine dated 04/08/2013 No. 134 and dated 08/28/2013 No. 410.

In the process of strategic environmental assessment of urban planning documentation, it is necessary to review and analyze documents containing environmental goals, as well as measures and tasks in the field of health care, including The Law of Ukraine "On the Basic Principles (Strategy) of the State Environmental Policy of Ukraine for the Period Until 2030".

Strategic documents at the international and state level, which were taken into account during the preparation of the state planning document under consideration, are the following:

1. Climate change and the ozone layer:

– UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (ratified by Ukraine on October 29, 1996);

– Concept of implementation of state policy in the field of climate change for the period until 2030, approved by the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 07.12.2016 No. 932-year;

– Plan of measures for implementation of the Concept;

– Recommendations of the Ministry of Energy and Environmental Protection of Ukraine dated March 3, 2020 No. 26/1.4-11.3-5650 regarding the inclusion of climate issues in state planning documents; The concept of implementation of state policy in the field of climate change for the period up to 2030 - climate issues are being worked out.

2. Waste management:

- National waste management strategy in Ukraine until 2030, approved by Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated November 8, 2017 No. 820. - the project provides recommendations for urban planning measures for the organization of household waste collection in the project area. Waste generated during the operation of the designed facilities will be transferred to specialized organizations in accordance with the concluded contracts and environmental safety requirements.

3. Urban planning documentation.

The territorial planning scheme of the Sumy region, developed by the SE Research and Design Institute of Urban Planning, Kyiv, in 2011;

– The general plan of the city of Trostyanets, developed by the communal organization "Institute of the General Plan of the City of Kyiv", was approved by the decision of the Trostyanets City Council dated 12.23.2016 No. 480 "On approval of the General Plan of the city of Trostyanets";

- Territorial zoning plan (zoning) of the city of Trostyanets, Sumy region, developed by PE "Fisher - Architects and Engineers", approved by the decision of the Trostyanets city council dated 07.26.2017 No. 171 "On approval of the territorial zoning plan (zoning) of Trostyanets, Sumy region.- according to this urban planning documentation, residential and public buildings, transport infrastructure areas are expected on the project territory.

The following are also used during design:

DBN B.2.2-12:2019 Planning and development of territories;

DSP No. 173-96 "State Sanitary Rules for Planning and Development of Settlements";

DBN B.2.2-5:2011 "Improvement of territories";

The composition of the project "Detailed plan of the territory bounded by St. Blagovishchenska, along the tracks of the Trostyanets-Smorodyne station, on the local road, 40th Army Square, Petra Sokolenko Street and Shukhlyaeva Square in the town of Trostyanets, Okhtyr District, Sumy Oblast" meets the requirements of DBN B.1.1-14:2021 "Composition and content of urban planning documentation for at the local level".

Table 1. compliance of the DDP tasks with the goals of environmental policy at the national and regional levels.

Goals set out in national strategic planning documents (Kyoto Protocol to the 1992 UN Framework Convention on Climate Change; UN Ram Convention on Climate Change; Paris Charter; National Report on the State of the Environment in Ukraine in 2021) (National Waste Management Plan to 2030)Objectives of programs in the field of environmental protection and economic and social development at the regional level (Regional report on the state of the natural environment in the Sumy region in 2021) Tasks outlined in the urban planning documentation project
Atmospheric air
In accordance with paragraph 18 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated August 14, 2019 No. 827 "Some issues of state monitoring in the field of atmospheric air protection" (hereinafter referred to as the Resolution), air quality management bodies develop state monitoring programs in the field of atmospheric air protection for zones and agglomerationsСприяння суб’єктом господарювання у виконанні вимог природоохоронного законодавства, реалізації діяльності щодо навантаження на довкілля, а також виконанні контролюючих функцій. зменшення викидів забруднюючих речовин та покращення стану атмосферного повітря Заходами програми державного моніторингу у галузі охорони атмосферного повітря зони «Сумська» на 2022-2026 роки (далі – Програма зона «Сумська») заплановано створення системи моніторингу атмосферного повітря з встановленням 4 постів спостереження (2 іникативних постів спостережень за станом 19 атмосферного повітря – на базі метеостанцій обласного центру з гідрометеорології, 1 індикативного посту у м. Охтирка та 1 автоматизованого стаціонарного посту у м. Шостка).In the future, data will be taken from the indicative post in the city of Okhtyrka for the city of Trostyanets and the planning territory. The project does not envisage the placement of objects that will have a negative impact on atmospheric air; recommendations are provided on the use of alternative types of fuel for vehicles.
Aquatic resources
Prevention of pollution of water resourcesProtection and rational use of water resources.Water supply to residential multi-apartment buildings is from centralized water supply networks. Drainage - to centralized sewage networks. It is assumed to be connected to centralized heat supply networks. Surface wastewater is planned for the territory, diverted to linear rain receivers, cleaned at treatment facilities of surface storm sewers and enters the accumulators, from where it is taken away by a sanitation vehicle under a separate contract.  
1. Land and soil protection. 2. The content of ZR in the soil.Control over the content of organic matter in the soilLandscaping and landscaping. Arrangement of hard surface of all planned passageways. Organization of removal of surface wastewater.
1. Management of waste and resources, return to economic circulation of resource-valuable materials. 2. The share of landfilled waste by 2030. reduce to 35 % (base year - 2015)Rational use and storage of production waste and household waste; improvement of the system of sanitary cleaning of the territory by establishing timely collection and disposal of solid waste; improvement of the system of separate collection, sorting and disposal of garbageIt is recommended to develop a system of sanitary cleaning of the territory by establishing timely collection and disposal of solid waste and improving the system of separate collection, sorting and disposal of garbage; Provision is made for the arrangement of sites for placement of garbage containers for separate collection of solid waste. Conclusion of contracts for the management of hazardous waste with specialized organizations.
Health of the population
Observance of norms regarding sanitary conditions of populated areasObservance of norms regarding the conditions of settlementsProviding residents with quality drinking water. Provision of a system of rational drainage and cleaning of surface runoff from the planning area (taking into account engineering and geological factors, etc.). Construction of intra-district sewage networks connected to centralized networks.
Збереження біорізноманіття та ланшафтв3 preservation and reproduction of plant life, increasing the level of forest cover in the region.  Landscaping of territories in accordance with norms. There are no PZF facilities in the project area. There are no species of flora and fauna listed in the Red Book.
Climate issues
Promotion and cooperation in the development, application and dissemination, including the transfer of technologies, methods and processes, which make it possible to limit, reduce or stop anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases not regulated by the Montreal Protocol, in all relevant sectors, including energy, transport, industry, agriculture agriculture, forestry and waste removal (according to the Kyoto Protocol). According to the Updated National Determined Contribution of Ukraine to the Paris Agreement (NVV2): by 2030, reduce greenhouse gas emissions to the level of 35% compared to 1990. According to the UNEP Report "Global Methane Assessment", one of the main measures to avoid an increase in average temperature is to reduce methane emissions. Ukraine, which joined the "Global Methane Initiative" and undertook to reduce methane emissions by 2030 by 30%. Reduction of natural gas consumption due to substitution with regional types of solid fuel and introduction of the latest energy-efficient fuel combustion technologies and measures to increase energy saving in modern conditions.Reduce the negative impact of motor vehicles on the atmospheric air of populated areas. Elimination of unauthorized landfills as a measure to reduce methane emissions. Increase in forest cover and reform of forestry management. Modernization of energy and industrial enterprises, increase the development of renewable energy sources, implement energy efficiency measures in all sectors of the economy from production, transportation to consumption.Control over the regulatory level of greening (by determining the maximum allowable percentage of land development during the issuance of town planning conditions and restrictions). Use of equipment and technologies certified by international quality systems such as ISO. The project envisages separate collection of solid waste with transportation to a certified MMV. On the planning territory - control over the standard level of landscaping. The project recommends the use of alternative energy sources.  

Therefore, the above-mentioned tasks correspond to the environmental goals established at the national and regional levels. DDP takes them into account and offers a set of measures aimed at their implementation.

3) to what extent the state planning document determines the conditions for the implementation of types of activities or objects for which the legislation provides for the implementation of the environmental impact assessment procedure (including the determination of the location, size, capacity or allocation of resources):

There are types of activities in the planning territory for which the legislation provides for the implementation of the environmental impact assessment procedure (including the determination of the location, size, capacity or placement of resources) in accordance with Part 2 of Article 3 of the Law of Ukraine "On Environmental Impact Assessment" - in the planning territory the building of the railway station is located (the construction of railway stations, railway tracks and structures belongs to the second category of OVD objects). The detailed plan of the territory envisages the reconstruction of the railway station. The building is located on a plot of land for the placement and operation of buildings and structures of railway transport. Functional zoning is the territory of transport infrastructure. The detailed plan of the territory provides for the coordination of the functional and purposeful purpose of the land plot in accordance with Annexes 3, 59, 60 of the Procedure for maintaining the State Land Cadastre, approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated October 17, 2012 No. 1051 "On approval of the Procedure for maintaining the State Land Cadastre, as amended from 28 July 2021 No. 821, approved by the Resolution of the CMU "On Amendments to Certain Acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine" (821-2021-p).

4) probable consequences:  

a) for the environment, including for the health of the population:

The state of atmospheric air.

– на даній території відсутні джерела забруднення, суб’єктам господарської діяльності не видавались дозволи на викиди в атмосферне повітря та спеціальне водокористування (скид стічних вод); на території планування відсутні організовані місця видалення та утилізації побутових відходів; джерелом негативного впливу на атмосферне повітря можуть бути існуюча залізниця та автомобільні дороги (Під час проведення будівельних робіт можливий вплив від двигунів авто- та будівельної техніки, що працюють на двигунах внутрішнього згорання (орієнтовні показники шкідливих речовин при часу роботи автотранспорту 500 годин/рік: оксид вуглецю – 197,8 кг/т; вуглеводні насичені – 28,5 кг/т; метан 0,64 кг/т; оксид азоту – 21,6 кг/т; аміак 0,004кг/т; вуглецю діоксид 3183 кг/т, під час зварвальних робіт (при зварюванні виділяються: заліза оксид (орієнтовний показник  -7,48г/кг), марганець та його з’єднання (приймаємо марганцю оксид – 0,5г/кг), хром шестивалентний (приймаємо хрому оксид – 0,02г/кг), азоту оксид (0,7г/кг), вуглецю оксид (2,9г/кг)). Після реалізації проєктних рішень буде вплив автотранспорту: на дизельному пальному, забруднююча речовина: Азоту діоксид (Азот (IV) оксид), Азот (II) оксид (Азоту оксид) Вуглець (Сажа), Сірка діоксид (Ангідрид сірчистий), Вуглецю оксид, Гас. На бензині – забруднююча речовина: Азоту діоксид (Азот (IV) оксид), Азот (II) оксид (Азоту оксид), Сірка діоксид (Ангідрид сірчистий), Вуглецю оксид, Бензин (нафтовий, малосірчистий)/в перерахунку на вуглець; кількість забруднюючої речовини 0.1523 т/рік). Уточнені дані будуть під час розробки робочого проєкту комплексної забудови привокзальної площі (у т.ч. щодо транспортного навантаження на площу).

Condition of underground water horizons and quality of drinking water.

В період будівництва об’єктів та інженерних мереж, та в процесі експлуатації вплив на підземні води – тимчасовий. Проєктом передбачається централізоване водопостачання існуючих та проєктованих будівель та споруд; передбачється каналізування – на централізовані мережі;

It is also possible to disturb (destruction) of soils during new construction (transformation of earth layers), the movement of vehicles, which may increase under the influence of natural factors - wind, rain flows, etc. There are no data on acoustic impact, vibration impact, air pollution zone with street dust.

State of land resources.

The potential impact of the planned activity on the geological environment involves the disturbance of the earth's surface and the change of the landscape in the course of construction works - it is necessary to provide for separate storage of the fertile soil layer.

State of waste management.

Ways of ecologically safe handling of solid household waste and designated places or objects for their further placement: the project envisages the organization of separate collection of household waste with subsequent use and disposal (at certified solid waste disposal sites). Sites for installing garbage containers must be fenced and have a hard surface (asphalt, concrete). For storage and temporary collection of household waste, it is recommended to use containers with a volume of 0.24 or 0.36 m³. The owner of the enterprise must conclude contracts with the provider of services for the removal of household waste, ensure separate collection of household waste.

Harmful waste must be transported to special disposal sites in accordance with the agreements concluded between the city council and the Subsidiary Enterprise "Ekoseservice" of the communal enterprise of the Trostyanets City Council "Trostyanetskomunservice". Special containers for hazardous waste are installed at the certified landfill.

Radiation condition

Placement of facilities provided for by DPT will not worsen the radiation condition.

Electromagnetic background

It is necessary to build 0.4 kV power supply networks. The protective zone of the underground electric cable and communication cable is 2 m. A sanitary protective zone is not established for power lines and transformer substations with a voltage of less than 220 kV. The electromagnetic background will not deteriorate.

Health of the population

Impact on public health is not expected.

Influence on the social environment – вплив позитивний, оскільки проєктом передбачається упорядкування території планування, визначення режимів використання окремих зон, будівництво об’єктів облуговування і, відповідно, покращення рівня соціального обслуговування населення; відновлення зруйнованої привокзальної площі міста як символ незламності українського народу.

During the normal functioning of objects of negative impact on flora and fauna insignificant - sources of increased noise due to excavation and construction works can cause a minor impact (alarm factors) on the habitat, breeding conditions and migration routes of animals. As a result of the implementation of the planned activity, a slight permissible impact on the spatial, species, population and coenotic diversity of plant life objects is possible.

b) for territories with nature protection status: there is no negative impact, since there are no PZF facilities and territories.

c) transboundary consequences for the environment, including for public health: there is no cross-border influence.

5) justified alternatives that must be considered, including if the state planning document is not approved:

Альтернативою є розміщення на території проєктування житлових об’єктів, що призведе до підвищення якості життя людей, покращить реалізацію державних та регіональних програм щодо забепеченя громадян житлом, дозволить “переселити” людей, житло яких зруйноване. Такі види діяльності не спричиняють негативного впливу на довкілля за умови дотримання діючого законодавства.

The second alternative is to use the station area as a transport hub. In this case, the negative impact on atmospheric air from transport facilities may increase.

It is also planned to consider the "zero scenario", without introducing project changes. In case of non-approval of the state planning document ("zero option"), and refusal to implement the planned measures to regulate the development of the planning territory, it will be impossible to improve the situation in providing inhabited objects of social purpose, trade, and green areas. This scenario can be understood as a continuation of the current (most often unfavorable) trends in the state of the environment.

6) studies to be conducted, methods and criteria to be used during the strategic environmental assessment: checking the materials of urban planning documentation and in its composition of the "Protection of the natural environment" section for compliance with the current regulatory and legal documents in this field. The following information is expected to be used for the development of the CEO: reports on the state of the environment, statistical information, monitoring data on the state of the environment. Collection and analysis of environmental data on the design site. It is also necessary to determine the volume of waste generation, the availability of waste disposal sites (MBB) and the volume of waste accumulation; the volume of wastewater discharges to determine the optimal drainage solution for the design quarter.

During the preparation of the strategic environmental assessment report, determine the expediency and acceptability of the planned activity and the justification of economic, technical, organizational, sanitary, state-legal and other measures to ensure environmental safety. And also give a forecast of the impact on the environment, based on the features of the planned activity, taking into account natural, social and man-made conditions.

Provide recommendations on a set of measures aimed at identifying the nature, intensity and degree of danger of impact on the environment and the health of the population of any type of economic activity, the possibility of conducting which is provided for by urban planning documentation.

In a regional plan, study the natural conditions of the territory bordering the planning territory, including the characteristics of surface water systems, landscapes (relief, fertile soils, vegetation, etc.), geological and hydrogeological features of the territory and other components of the natural environment, based on the materials of the regional report (on later stages of design).

Inform the public about the effectiveness of the project and possible environmental consequences.

The method of strategic environmental assessment is integrated into the process of development of the DDP.

The method used during SEO: SWOT - analysis; targeted analysis. The application of SWOT analysis will reveal strengths and weaknesses; the application of target analysis during the strategic environmental assessment will allow establishing the compliance of project decisions with the goals of environmental protection. It is supposed to analyze the impact on each component of the environment.

7) measures that are expected to be considered to prevent, reduce and mitigate the negative consequences of the implementation of the state planning document:

Taking into account the state policy in the field of energy conservation, ensuring environmental safety, rational use of natural resources, when implementing the master plan, it is advisable to use modern highly efficient eco-energy-saving technologies and materials as fully as possible, in particular, enclosing structures with a minimum coefficient of thermal conductivity, modern alternative energy sources, engineering equipment with a high coefficient useful action, etc.

It is necessary to organize monitoring of the state of the environment, the use of land plots in accordance with the functional purpose provided for in the urban planning documentation.

Measures to improve the situation by environmental components:

Project decision (with potential negative impact)Potential cumulative impactProposed mitigation measure
 Atmospheric air 
Placement of projected objects  1. Emissions into the atmosphere by vehicles  Впровадження сучасних истем опалення. Вибір конструктивних та технологічних рішень систем опалення вирішується на стадії робочого проєктування з урахуванням норм охорони навколишнього середовища. Лабораторний контроль за станом атмосферного повітря під час експлуатації об’єктів.
Placement of projected objects  1. Groundwater pollution by surface runoff. 2. Contamination of groundwater with fuel and lubricantsDriveways with a hard surface are being designed to prevent lubricants from getting into the ground. Control over compliance with norms, standards and rules during construction work. Arrangement of the surface sewage collection system. Arrangement of sites for waste collection tanks with a hard surface and a fence is planned.
Placement of projected objects  1. Violation of the natural state of the soil during the construction of buildings and structures, communications, engineering preparation of the territory. 2. Pollution from generated construction waste and solid waste.  Control over the storage of the fertile layer of soil, which undergoes movement during construction works and its subsequent use. Laboratory control of soil condition. Installation of modern local sewage treatment facilities that do not allow sewage to flow into the ground. Timely removal of construction waste. Arrangement of sites for garbage cans with a hard surface, a fence.  
Placement of projected objects  1. Increase in acoustic and dust pollution of fauna. 2. Increase in vibration and dust pollution of flora.Control over the number of green spaces removed during construction works. Control over the percentage of greening of the plot (by determining the maximum permissible percentage of development of the land plot during the issuance of town planning conditions and restrictions). Control over the storage of the fertile layer of soil, which undergoes movement during construction works and its subsequent use. Laboratory monitoring of the state of atmospheric air and soil
 Health of the population 
Placement of projected objects  1. Emissions into atmospheric air from heating systems; 2. Pollution by vehicle exhaust gasesControl over the number of green spaces removed during construction works. Control over the area of greening of land plots (by determining the maximum permissible percentage of land plot development during the issuance of town planning conditions and restrictions). Control over the storage of the fertile layer of soil, which undergoes movement during construction works and its subsequent use. Laboratory monitoring of the state of atmospheric air and soil. Landscaping of areas around transport facilities (parking lots, bus stations).

8) proposals regarding the structure and content of the strategic environmental assessment report: the report on the strategic environmental assessment must meet the requirements of Part 2 of Art. 11 of the Law of Ukraine "On Strategic Environmental Assessment".

9) the body to which comments and suggestions are submitted, and the deadlines for their submission: 

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